About Us
Coramdeo Lighting is based in beautiful San Antonio, TX, the home of the Riverwalk, the Alamo, and a wonderful multi cultural crossroads with the best breakfast tacos you can eat anywhere! We love it here and enjoy growing our business in such a vibrant community.
We are truly partnered with a manufacturer in Asia that we have over 30 years of history working together developing and bringing lighting products to the US market. We bring direct value to our retail, wholesale, and consumer customers by offering great quality products at a fair price direct from our production centers. We act as the importer and distributor to bring value and efficiency to our customers. We also help customers manage their direct import programs from our production centers direct to their distribution centers and retail stores in the US.
Some of our most successful lines of product include traditional lighting designs that have been upgraded with integrated LED light sources. This means that there are no light bulbs to change, plus all of the benefits of LED light including the extra low cost. Integrated LED fixtures make a lot of sense for individual homeowners and multi-unit projects as it dramatically cuts down the cost of operation and maintenance.
The LEDs in our integrated fixtures are produced by well known sources like Samsung, Osram, and others. Our integrated LED fixtures are accelerated-heat tested to ensure they will last at least 50,000 hours unless we have noted otherwise.
We also offer many designs of traditional light fixtures that look best with a light bulb installed.
Look for Coramdeo Lighting and our other brands online and in select retailers and distributors.
Interested in setting up a business account for higher volume purchases or for resale? We’d love to talk to you. Please reach out to us at sales@coramdeolighting.com to learn more.
Please reach out to us at customerservice@coramdeolighting.com if we can ever be of assistance.